主頁 >日本東洋克斯(Toyox)多用途網紋膠管/食品級網喉/藥品用膠管系列(PVC耐油耐壓膠喉/聚烯烴軟管)
2015-11-30 00:00:00
2023-03-02 18:33:25



聯絡人: 彭先生
手提/WhatsApp: 9819 8797
電話: 2191 4888
傳真: 2191 4141




Applications 用途:
For factory equipment hoses and various equipment
Suitable for fluids such as oils, chemicals (including gases, pure water), powder, air, water and hot water.
Features 特徵:
  • 絕緣性(Insulating): ○
  • 低析出(Low elution): ○
  • 耐藥性(Chemical-resistance): ○
  • 耐油(Oil-resistance): ○
  • 透明性(Transparence): ◎
  • 彈性(Flexibility): ◎
  • 壓送(Pressure feed): ◎
Can be used without problem
Probably usable, but there may be some issues
[方便確認流體(Fluid verification)]
-比橡膠管的透明度高,可以看清內部流體, 輕鬆確認作業,安心
-Unlike rubber hoses, the transparent TOYORON Hose allows good visibility inside so verification is quick.
[輕鬆插入金屬零件(Easy fitting insertion)]
-膠管易剪切,輕易插入接頭,配管作業快, 提高操作性
-The TOYORON Hose is easy to cut and couplings can be easily inserted for improved hose installation efficiency.
[豐富的產品尺寸(Wide range of sizes)]
-提供內徑為4φ~75φ的多種產品。可滿足 大範圍不同尺寸的需要
-Inner diameters range from 4 to 75 mm. Can also be adapted for larger diameters.
[比橡膠耐油(More oil-resistant than rubber)]
- 與橡膠管相比,耐油性更高,壽命更長
-The TOYORON Hose handles oil better than rubber for a longer service life.
-由軟PVC製成的壓送等多目的用耐壓膠管 ,可廣泛用於水、空氣、油及藥品等流體的輸送,與橡膠管相比,更透明、更輕量而且更柔軟
-Made of soft PVC, the TOYORON Hose is a multipurpose pressure resistant hose that can be used on a variety of fluids, including water, air, oil and chemicals. More transparent, lighter and more flexible than rubber.
[輕量、作業輕鬆(Lightweight and adaptable)]
-比橡膠管輕,安裝簡單,可減輕設備配管的 負擔
-Lighter than rubber hoses and easy to install, the SUPER TOYORON Hose reduces the load on equipment.
[輕鬆插入接頭(Easy coupling insertion)]
-膠管易剪切,接頭的插入性良好,配管作業 快,提高操作性
-The TOYORON Hose is easy to cut and couplings can be easily inserted for improved hose installation efficiency.
[耐油、壽命長(Oil-resistant for long life)]
-With superior oil resistance, the flexibility lasts longer for a long service life.
-由軟PVC製成的壓送等多目的耐壓膠管, 比TOYORON膠管的耐油性出色,因此使用壽命長
- A multipurpose pressure feed hose made of soft PVC, the SUPER TOYORON Hose provides superior oil resistance to the TOYORON Hose for a longer life.
TOYORON HOSE - PVC耐壓 網紋膠軟管規格
Standards Chart by Size 各尺 寸規格表
Product no. 型號 Inner dia. × Outer dia. Use pressure Range of temperature Standard weight Standard length Minimum bend radius Packaging 包裝 Colour 顏色
內徑×外徑 工作壓力(MPa) 工作溫度範圍 長度毛重 長度 最小彎曲半徑
mm 23℃ 60℃ kg/roll m mm
TR-4 4×9 0~1.5 0~1.0 -5~60 7 100 15 繞線軸樣式 (Bobbin style) 藍色透明標識線+藍色豎條紋 (Transparent with attractive blue lines and with blue warp weave)
TR-6 6x11 0~1.5 0~1.0 9 100 20
TR-8 8x13.5 0~1.5 0~1.0 13 100 35
TR-9 9x15 0~1.5</td> 0~1.0 15 100 45
TR-10 10×16 0~1.2 0~1.0 16 100 45
TR-12 12×18 0~1.2 0~0.8 19 100 55
TR-15 15×22 0~1.0 0~0.8 27 100 80
TR-19 19×26 0~1.0 0~0.6 16 50 95
TR-22 21.5×29 0~1.0 0~0.6 20 50 120
TR-25 25×33 0~1.0 0~0.6 25 50 140
TR-32 32×41 0~0.7 0~0.4 35 50 185 薄膜包裝 (Film packing)
TR-38 38×48 0~0.6 0~0.4 45 50 300
TR-45 45×56 0~0.6 0~0.4 48 40 400
TR-50 50×62 0~0.6 0~0.3 54 40 440
TR-63 63×80 0~0.4 0~0.3 53 20 650
TR-75 75×92 0~0.3 0~0.3 62 20 800
Standards Chart by Size 各尺寸 規格表
Product no. 型號 Inner dia. × Outer dia. Use pressure Range of temperature Standard weight Standard length Minimum bend radius Packaging 包裝 Colour 顏色
內徑×外徑 工作壓力 工作溫度範圍 長度毛重 長度 最小彎曲半徑
mm MPa kg/roll m mm
ST-6 6×10.5 0~1.0 -5~60 8 100 25 繞線軸樣式 (Bobbin style) 綠色透明標識線+藍色豎條紋 (Green transparent with attractive lines and blue warp weave)
ST-8 8×13 0~1.0 11 100 35
ST-9 9×15 0~1.0 15 100 45
ST-12 12×18 0~0.8 19 100 60
ST-15 15×22 0~0.8 27 100 90
ST-19 19×26 0~0.6 16 50 130
ST-22 21.5×28.5 0~0.6 19 50 125
ST-25 25×33 0~0.6 25 50 150
ST-32 32×41 0~0.4 28 40 192
ST-38 38×48 0~0.4 36 40 228
ST-48 48×58 0~0.4 40 40 290 薄膜包裝 (Film packing)
ST-50 50×62 0~0.3 54 40 300
ST-63 63×80 0~0.3 53 20 600
ST-75 75×92 0~0.3 62 20 800

日本東洋克斯(Toyox)藥品用膠管/聚烯烴軟管 (ECORON HOSE)

Applications 用途:
適合油、藥品(包括氣體、純水)、食品(包括油脂)、塑料顆粒粉末、空氣、水及 溫水等流體使用。
For factory equipment hoses and various equipment
Suitable for fluids such as oils, chemicals (including gases, pure water), foods (including fats), powder, air, water and hot water.
Features 特徵:
  • 符合《食品衛生法》(Meets Food Sanitation Act): ◎
  • 絕緣性(Insulating): ○
  • 低析出(Low elution): ◎
  • 低臭(Low odor): ◎
  • 耐藥性(Chemical-resistance): ◎
  • 耐油(Oil-resistance): ◎
  • 透明性(Transparence): ○
  • 壓送(Pressure feed): ◎
Can be used without problem
Probably usable, but there may be some issues
【符合《食品衛生法》規定(Compliant with Food Sanitation Act regulations)】
-完全符合《食品衛生法》規定(2006年厚生 勞動省通告201號、1951年厚生省通告52號),可安心使用
* 本膠管不含鄰苯二甲酸類可塑劑。
-Compliant with the Food Sanitation Act (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Public Notice Nos. 201 of 2006, 52 of 1951) for worry-free performance.
*Note: This hose does not use phthalate plasticizers.
[耐藥品、壽命長(Chemical-resistant and long service life)]
- 膠管內層為聚烯烴樹脂,耐藥品性出色
-The inner surface of the hose is made of polyolefin resin for superior chemical resistance.
【保護環境(Environmentally friendly)】
-即使在燃燒的狀態下也不會產生二噁英等 有害氣體,可保護環境
-Safe for the environment, the ECORON Hose does not emit dioxins or other harmful gases, even when burned.
【溶出性低(Low leaching)】
-The low level of hose material leaching in fluids means no worries about contamination.
【氣味小(Low odor)】
-Worry-free, without the typical odor of vinyl chloride.
-帶有聚烯烴樹脂製成的壓送用構造,因為由 非PVC的材質製成,溶出物對流體的影響小,最適合作為食品用耐壓膠管或藥品用耐壓膠管來使用
-The polyolefin resin construction designed for pressure feeds does not use vinyl chloride, so there is little leaching in fluids, making the ECORON perfect for pressure feeding foods and chemicals.
Standards Chart by Size 各尺 寸規格表
Product no. 型號 Inner dia. × Outer dia. Use pressure Range of temperature Standard weight Standard length Minimum bend radius Reinforced construction 加強構造 Packaging 包裝 Colour 顏色
內徑×外徑 工作壓力(MPa) 工作溫度範圍 長度毛重 長度 最小彎曲半徑
mm 23℃ 60℃ kg/roll m mm
EC-6 6×11 0~1.0 0~0.5 -5~60 8 100 25 編織 (Braided) 繞線軸樣式 (Bobbin style) 奶白色 (Milky white)
EC-8 8×13.5 0~1.0 0~0.5 10 100 35
EC-9 9×15 0~0.8 0~0.5 15 100 50 特殊編織法 (Special weave)
EC-12 12×18 0~0.8 0~0.4 16 100 70
EC-15 15×22 0~0.8 0~0.4 23 100 80
EC-19 19×26 0~0.8 0~0.4 14 50 130
EC-25 25×33 0~0.5 0~0.3 21 50 170
EC-32 32×41 0~0.4 0~0.2 26 40 200 編織 (Braided) 薄膜包裝 (Film packing)
EC-38 38×48 0~0.4 0~0.2 34 40 230
EC-50 50×62 0~0.3 0~0.2 50 40 290

日本東洋克斯(Toyox)食品級耐油膠管 (TOYOFOODS PERFECT HOSE)

Applications 用途:
適合油、藥品(包括氣體、純水)、食品(包括油脂)、塑料顆粒粉末、空氣、水及 溫水等流體使用。
For delivering foods, beverages, water and more
Suitable for fluids such as oils, chemicals (including gases, pure water), foods (including fats), powder, air, water and hot water.
Features 特徵:
  • 符合《食品衛生法》(Meets Food Sanitation Act): ◎
  • 絕緣性(Insulating): ○
  • 低析出(Low elution): ○
  • 耐藥性(Chemical-resistance): ○
  • 耐油(Oil-resistance): ○
  • 透明性(Transparence): ◎
  • 彈性(Flexibility): ◎
  • 耐熱(Heat-resistance): ○
  • 壓送(Pressure feed): ◎
Can be used without problem
Probably usable, but there may be some issues
[符合法律規定(Compliant with laws and regulations)]
-符合中國食品安全法所以安全安心?檢查 單位: 中華人民共和國國家食品質量安全監督檢驗中心( 中國國家標準: GB9681-1988 , GB/T21928-2008 )  完全符合《食品衛生法》規定(2006年厚生勞動省通告201號、2002年厚生勞動省通告267號),耐油脂食品,使用壽命長,可安心使用
-Conforms to China’s Food Safety Law for safety and reliability. Inspection agency: China National Food and Safety Supervision and Inspection Center (Chinese national standard : GB9681-1988 , GB/T21928-2008) Complies with the Food Sanitation Act (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Public Notice Nos. 201 of 2006, 267 of 2002 and 52 of 1951). Resistant to oils and fats, it is safe and reliable and provides long service life.
[耐油、壽命長(Oil-resistant for long life)]
-耐油性高,即使在油脂食品或工業用機械油 方面,也可安心使用
-With strong resistance to oil, the TOYOFOODS Hose can be used worry-free for oily foods and industrial mechanical oil.
[方便確認流體(Fluid verification)]
-與橡膠管相比具有透明性,可以輕鬆確認食 品等流體
* 本膠管不含鄰苯二甲酸類可塑劑。
-Higher transparency than rubber hoses makes it easy to verify the fluid in the hose.
Note: This hose does not use phthalate plasticizers.
-* 本膠管不含鄰苯二甲酸類可塑劑。 由軟PVC製成,是壓送用食品專用耐壓膠管。符合《食品衛生法》,安全性高,並具有能發揮TOYORON膠管特徵的功能性
-Made of soft PVC, the TOYOFOODS PERFECT Hose was developed to withstand pressure exclusively for pressure feeding foods. The TOYOFOODS PERFECT Hose was made to provide the same features as the TOYORON, with the addition of Food Sanitation Act compliance and safety.
Standards Chart by Size 各尺寸 規格表
Product no. 型號 Inner dia. × Outer dia. Use pressure Range of temperature Standard weight Standard length Minimum bend radius Packaging 包裝 Colour 顏色
內徑×外徑 工作壓力(MPa) 工作溫度範圍 長度毛重 長度 最小彎曲半徑
mm MPa Kg/roll m mm
TFB-P-6 6×11 0~1.0 -5~70 9 100 30 繞線軸樣式 (Bobbin style) 透明帶綠線 (Neutral transparent with green lines)
TFB-P-8 8×13.5 0~1.0 13 100 40
TFB-P-9 9×15 0~1.0 15 100 45
TFB-P-10 10×16 0~1.0 16 100 50
TFB-P-12 12×18 0~0.8 19 100 65
TFB-P-15 15×22 0~0.8 27 100 95
TFB-P-19 19×26 0~0.6 16 50 120
TFB-P-25 25×33 0~0.6 25 50 165
TFB-P-32 32×41 0~0.4 35 50 200 薄膜包裝 (Film packing)
TFB-P-38 38×48 0~0.4 45 50 300
TFB-P-50 50×62 0~0.3 54 40 440


聯絡人: 彭先生
手提/WhatsApp: 9819 8797
電話: 2191 4888
傳真: 2191 4141
電話(公司): 21914888
電話(手提): 6791 3230
傳真: 21914141