活藝術裝飾有限公司 於 2010 年在香港創立。成立以來,公司業務發展理想,在澳門及深圳及惠洲均設有分公司及生產廠房 (分別為澳門活藝術裝飾有限公司、惠洲市活藝裝飾建材有限公司及深圳市艾迪亞裝飾材料有限公司)。

近年,有賴我們工作團隊的努力和專業知識,本公司的客戶和負責專案愈趨國際化,很多大型高檔發展項目,例如香港柏傲山、澳門新濠影匯及廣州K11 都是我們本年度的重點工程。

我們的工藝師特別擅長於藝術塗料及批蕩、刮色和貼箔等技術,另外,在牆壁、天花,甚至藝術裝飾品的表面都能製造各種不同紋理和質感。本公司致力提供的服務包括: 承接室內外藝術裝飾工程、訂制各類造型藝術品和裝飾掛板、銷售自家品牌建築、Ideaplay及分銷意大利品牌Stucco Italiano的藝術塗料,以及專業的售後服務及相關藝術材料諮詢。

WE are a Hong Kong-based company founded in 2010. Our team is of specialist in creative & contracting design with over ten years’ experience. Currently, the company has an expanding tendency for its business and established our subsidiaries in Macau (Creativo (Macau) Art Decoration Co., Ltd.) and Shen Zhen (Creativo (Shenzhen) Decoration and Construction Material Co., Ltd.).

Our clients have been growing globally for 6 years as a result of our effort and professionalism which have brought us many eye-catching projects, for example, Hong Kong The Pavilia Hill, Studio City Macau and Guangzhou K11, are the all highlighted in this year.

We are expert in artistic decoration finishing covering colour washing, gold leafing and plastering etc. Being excellent at creating different patterns and textures on wall, ceiling as well as surfaces of artworks, we also produce artworks and some own brand products. We guarantee to provide the best consultant and after-sale service with our exquisite craftsmanship and related knowledge for our clients around the world.